Acquisition of Austrian Citizenship by Descent

Children automatically become Austrian citizens, at the time of their birth, when the Mother is an Austrian citizen. Also, similarly, if the parents are married and only the Father is an Austrian citizen, then the children become Austrian citizens.

In the event that the Parents are not married and only the father of the child is an Austrian citizen, however, the mother is a national of another country, the child acquires Austrian citizenship, when within 8 weeks, the Austrian father recognizes his parenthood or he is recognised as the father, as determined by Court. In all cases where recognition of fatherhood or the determination by court is done after this timeframe, children may be awarded Austrian citizenship in a simplified procedure.

If the Parents are of different Nationalities, then the country of citizenship of the non-Austrian parent also foresees a jus sanguinis (like Austria), the child will have dual citizenship. According to Austrian law, the child does not have to decide between Austrian and the other Nationality, once the Child becomes an adult, however, the other state might require such a decision.

Benefits of Austrian Citizenship

The advantages and benefits of acquiring Austrian Citizenship and an Austrian Passport are:

  • Unlimited Travel in and out of Austria (Multiple Entry), with a Valid Austrian Passport
  • Freedom of Movement across the EU/EFTA area (Visa-Free travel in the EU)
  • Visa-free access to 189 countries around the world, as per the Henley Passport Index, in 2023. The Austrian Passport is currently ranked as the equal 3rd strongest Passport in the world.
  • Austria recognises Dual Nationality
  • Entitled to Live, Work and Vote in Austria on a Permanent basis, and can Live and Work in other EU Countries
  • Austrians have access to the world’s best healthcare and education systems.
  • Austria’s country’s economy is strong and developed. The state is home to many large global corporations. The government also encourages international investment and provides various incentives for locating companies in the state.

In 2024, Contact VisaConnect’s specialist Consultants, and our partner Austrian Immigration Lawyers, by phone or complete an online Form or visit us in our offices in Brisbane, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, London, UK and Lisbon, Portugal for advice and assistance with your Austrian Citizenship by Descent application and supporting documents for Acquisition of Austrian Nationality!

See our web page below:

Austrian Citizenship by Descent

By VisaConnect

VisaConnect Immigration Lawyers & Migration Agents in Singapore, Hong Kong, London, UK, Lisbon, Portugal and Brisbane, Australia. Global Visa, Residence & Citizenship by Investment Advice for EU - Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Portugal and Spain. Assistance with Immigration and Visas to Australia, United Kingdom and United States. VisaConnect website:

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