Global Talent Employer Sponsored – Features

The main features of the GTES are:

  • Trusted employers can access highly-skilled roles – Employers are not restricted to occupation lists for the TSS visa short-term or medium–term stream
  • 2 Streams – Established Business and Startup
  • Earnings – Higher earning threshold than under the standard TSS stream, Subclass 482 Visa
  • Visa Validity – 4 years visa validity and allows access to a permanent residence pathway
  • Priority Processing – Priority processing of GTES agreements
  • No Age limit – can negotiate age requirements for pathway to permanent residence
  • Access up to 20 positions per year


  • Allows employers to sponsor overseas workers for highly-skilled, niche positions that cannot be filled by AU workers or through standard 482 program
  • Benefit Australia and Australian workers
  • Globally mobile, highly-skilled and specialised individuals… (to) act as ‘job multipliers’.


  1. Demonstrate that access to the GTES will support job opportunities and skills transfer for Australians
  2. Labour market testing evidence for the specific positions as part of requesting a GTES agreement
  3. The employer must be in good standing with relevant regulatory agencies, including compliance with immigration and workplace laws
  4. Must be publicly listed or have an annual turnover of at least AUD 4 million for each of the past 2 years
  5. Be endorsed as a TSS accredited sponsor

Contact VisaConnect’s Immigration lawyers and Migration Agents for advice and assistance with your Global Talent Employer Sponsored (GTES) application Now!

See our web page:

Global Talent Employer Sponsored Visa (GTES)

Phone: +852 8191 5561 (Hong Kong)

Phone: +44 207 193 2327 (UK)

By VisaConnect

VisaConnect Immigration Lawyers & Migration Agents in Singapore, Hong Kong, London, UK, Lisbon, Portugal and Brisbane, Australia. Global Visa, Residence & Citizenship by Investment Advice for EU - Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Portugal and Spain. Assistance with Immigration and Visas to Australia, United Kingdom and United States. VisaConnect website:

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